Saturday, May 31, 2025

Will you walk?

Start your team today.

IF needed, here is a downloadable pledge sheet.


Why walk?

With each step, we commemorate the 100,000 unborn lives lost to abortion every year in Canada and reaffirm our commitment to supporting women in unplanned pregnancies to know they are not alone.

Halton Alive addresses fear and uncertainty by walking alongside women, helping them access resources they need to stay safe, secure and support them as they carry life in their womb. We work to educate the community on life issues to empower them in their decision making and conversations.

The answer to an unplanned pregnancy is not abortion - it's love, support, resources and compassion. 

Now that's something we can all get behind!


Gather or walk where you are!

This year you have TWO options. Join us to walk as a group in Burlington OR walk where you are. Either way, put on your favourite pro-life t-shirt from Halton Alive and do the walk!

Be sure to check out the latest t-shirt options in our merch store.

Walk for Life in-person gathering:

Sat May 31, 2025

Registration @ 9:30am | Start walking about 10:15am

Burlington Christian Fellowship 2054 Mountainside Dr. Burlington

5km Walk going North on Brant St. from BCF and returning through the neighbourhood.

BBQ Lunch to follow

Walk where you are:

Gather your own group together or go by yourself any day that weekend.

Teams will be walking all across Halton, spreading the message of life everywhere they go.

We encourage you to talk about pro-life issues with your kids or family during your walk and pray over the issues that threaten life in our country.

Discussion resources will be provided after you sign-up.