Respect Life Month
October is a month dedicated to recognizing and promoting the value of Life. As Christians we are called to take care of the most vulnerable and respect life at all stages and abilities. Respect Life Month brings together several distinct pro-life events and activities that you can engage your church community to get involved in. The culmination of these activities throughout the month, creates a focus and energy that can grow your team. Each of the activities during the month are likely to attract a different crowd and feed nicely into the next activity; promote them all so as to try and reach as many people as possible. You can also use this month as an opportunity to provide additional ways for your church community to learn, grow, and give through your own events.
Key events during the month:
Respect Life Sunday
Host a Life Talks Seminar
Life Chain
40 Days for Life Vigils
Halton Alive Gala
Respect Life Sunday - Featured Event
Respect Life Sunday is a special Sunday dedicated to recognizing our pro-life calling and promoting a respect for human life and dignity. This is a key element to a successful Life Month because it puts the life issues in front of your church community and all other activities are a natural lead-up or outflow of this Sunday focus.
How to participate in Respect Life Sunday:
Halton Alive provides a bulletin insert each year to direct and challenge the church to think about pro-life issues. As a life team you can encourage your church to accept these inserts and make sure they get into the bulletins or hand them out at the door.
Share pro-life homily, sermon and prayer resources with your pastor or priest. Some excellent resources can be found at the links below.
Ask your pastor or priest to consider taking a collection for Halton Alive or your local pro-life educational organization. This is a great opportunity to support those para-ministries.

Respect Life Sunday postcard: Available in multiple languages. Order hard copies from Halton Alive or download a digital version to share on your church’s website or social media by clicking on the image. Postcards have a front and back.
Life Talks Seminar
Hosting a Life Talks Seminar is a great preparatory or follow-up event to Respect Life Sunday. The seminars are turnkey events providing you with everything you need to share the presentation and guide a group discussion. By hosting a seminar you are engaging your church community, educating them on the latest issues and introducing them to your Life Team. It is a great way to find out who could be a new member and get a list of people to invite to the next Life Talks Conference.
Get full details on hosting a Life Talks Seminar here.
Life Chain - Follow-up action
Life Chain is a public, prayerful, peaceful witness against legalized abortion on the first Sunday of October. It began in Yuba, California in 1987 and grew over the years to 2000 locations across the US and Canada. Attending Life Chain is a great follow-up action point to RLS. It can be an effective, challenging way to take that step toward taking a stand for life. Learn more about Life Chain.
How to participate in Life Chain:
Burlington: Fairview St. & Maple Ave. 2:30-3:30PM
Oakville: Trafalgar Rd. & Dundas St. 2:30-3:30PM
Milton: Main St. & Ontario St. 2:30-3:30PM
40 Days for Life - ongoing prayer
40 Days for Life is a focused, ongoing prayer vigil for 40 days outside an abortion facilities and hospitals across the US and Canada. It is a peaceful, prayerful presence to remind people that abortions are happening everyday.
In Canada, many abortions are performed in hospitals and so 40DFL vigils are often outside hospitals. Canada also has a bubble zone law which prohibits any pro-life messaging within 150 ft of any facility that provides abortions. 40DFL vigils now happen just outside that bubble.
This event is volunteer led through the organization, 40 Days for Life.
Learn more about 40 Days for Life in Oakville
How to participate in 40 Days for Life:
Sign-up for a timeslot.
Vigils are held in Oakville at Proudfoot Trail and Dundas St W.
Halton Alive Gala - fun celebration
The Gala is a key celebration and fundraising event for Halton Alive. It also provides an incredible opportunity for the pro-life community to gather, spend time with like-minded individuals, hear about the pro-life work happening in Halton and give to the cause. Plus it’s just a really good fun time! Learn more about the Gala.
How to participate in the Gala:
This is a ticketed event so why not reserve a block of tickets for your Life Team/Church
Ask your church about sponsoring the Gala or helping to subsidize a group to attend
Use the Gala as a reward throughout the year - if you do an event or info booth you can make tickets to the Gala a door prize or draw prize.
Be sure to promote Respect Life Month activities to your church community by getting them in the bulletin and other church communications in advance.