40 Days for Life runs from March 5 - April 13.
40 Days for Life is a focused, ongoing prayer vigil for 40 days outside abortion facilities and hospitals across the US and Canada. It is a peaceful, prayerful presence to remind people that abortions are happening everyday.
In Canada, many abortions are performed in hospitals and so 40DFL vigils are often outside hospitals. Canada also has a bubble zone law which prohibits any pro-life messaging within 150 ft of any facility that provides abortions. 40DFL vigils now happen just outside that bubble.
This event is volunteer led through the organization, 40 Days for Life.
Learn more about 40 Days for Life in Oakville
The Oakville location is near Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital on the north side of Dundas St. at Proudfoot Trail (northwest corner).