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Spring Flowers

Just like the flowers along a path or in a field, each person is beautifully unique and has a place in this community. The elderly bring a splash of laughter and joy to our lives so let’s remind those living in long-term care homes that they have a place among us and that they are loved and beautiful with the gift of a handmade flower! This year volunteers can also choose to be part of visiting with the elderly when we deliver the flowers. Read the instructions below carefully and get involved!

Help reach the goal!

How it works:

  1. Sign-up to participate

  2. Read these instructions carefully:

    • Use the tutorials below for ideas on different flower making options. Make as many paper flowers as you can!

    • Collect your flower materials: scissors, glue, clear tape, paper- scrapbooking paper, wrapping paper, printer paper, muffin/cupcake liners, coffee filters. Feel free to get creative and use whatever you have!

    • Make sure your flower has a stem even if it’s not included in the tutorials.

      • Ideas for the flower stem: paper straw, coffee stir sticks - anything that is sturdy but wouldn’t poke or cut someone.

      Write a special message on one of the petals or tie on a tag

      • Suggested messages: “You are beautiful ~ [your name] “You matter to me ~ [your name]” “You are loved ~ [your name]”

  3. Use the Discussion Starters below and take this opportunity to have a discussion about how and why we value the elderly.

  4. Say Cheese! Take pics of yourself/kids with your flowers so we can print and send them to the Homes and share on social media. This is a nice way for everyone to see the faces behind the flowers of love!

    • Send to or tag @haltonalive

  5. Important! Divide and bundle your finished flowers into groups of 50 or less and LABEL IT with your NAME/SCHOOL and # OF FLOWERS in each bundle. This save us HOURS of counting :)

  6. Deadline & Drop-off: Flowers need to be COMPLETED and dropped off to Halton Alive after Easter on April 15. We’ll contact you by email regarding drop-off locations so make sure is saved as a contact!

  7. This year we will make flowers AND spend some time visiting with the elderly in the LTC homes when we bring them the flowers.

    • You can sign-up to make flowers AND be part of the scheduled visit OR sign-up to make flowers only.


Flower making tutorials


Accordion Paper Flowers Instructions

Spider Mums Instructions

Simple Daisy Instructions

Looking for something more challenging?

Here are some more difficult flower options: